Unitarian Universalists know that systems of oppression cause harm and break the individual and the collective spirit. No matter your age or life stage, you can help heal the cracks we are all part of creating.
Here at UUCA, we engage in service and justice work to reduce harm and shift our structures to make our world a better place for all. Because we place a premium on living-in-community and the power of relationships, and there are several organizations in the DMV that share our values, we often partner with groups in the struggle for economic, racial, and environmental justice and human rights.
Join us! Contact sjmt@uucava.org. for more information.
Ways to Participate
Direct Volunteer Service

UUCA members and friends can find many ways to provide direct service through a number of groups which link to our own and area projects.
Efforts include work supporting: senior affordable-living, bagged meals, food security, tutoring, education, housing security, and much more.
Share the Plate

UUCA’s Share the Plate is a key element of our social justice funding program. Each year, members, and friends of UUCA donate thousands of dollars to our Sunday morning worship service offerings. These funds are then shared with our community partners and used to support causes that allow this congregation to put our values and faith into action.

Education opportunities are offered through Faith360 as well as other groups, including those on the Social Justice Action Groups list, above.
Visit Faith360 page here, and also keep a close eye on the Newsletter.