Children and Teen Programming

Programming for Infants-Teens

Welcome to the UUCA’s Religious Education program. Whether you are new to Unitarian Universalism or are a member of this congregation, we are pleased you are visiting our website to learn more about our Religious Education Program for Children and Youth.

All classes are currently meeting at the 10:15am service. The Religious Education year ends in May, when we begin our summer programs. The new year will begin in Mid-September.

Do classroom settings not work for your child? We are happy to work together to find a place for them in our community where they will feel valued and welcomed always.

What to expect on a Sunday morning

Families gather together each Sunday morning in the Sanctuary for a few moments of shared worship. After a Time for All Ages, children and youth depart for Religious Education classes which meet downstairs. Please feel encouraged to stop by our RE Welcome Area to chat with staff before, during, or after service. Follow the signs to your child’s class or ask where they should be going. Classes end at 10:30 and 11:30 a.m.

Our Director of Lifespan Religious Education (LDRE), LeeAnn Williams , can give you a short tour of the classrooms and show you where your child would go for class before church begins. If you plan on visiting more than three times throughout the year, we ask that you complete a registration form. This gets you on the list to receive the family newsletter and to receive updates on events, classes, and more via email!

Child Dedications

We welcome babies and young children into our religious community in this moving ceremony, during a worship service or in a private family ceremony. We celebrate the promise of a child’s life and bestow a blessing on the child’s name.

Our Philosophy of Religious Education

We seek to provide children and youth with an environment that is nurturing and supportive; one that encourages personal exploration and grounds them in our Unitarian Universalist faith. Our Religious Education program is designed to both promote individual self-exploration and give children knowledge of UU values and principles. We are committed to providing an environment that encourages and empowers children to seek and to learn. Our Sunday morning experience is a fun and active part of our community. Our children and youth laugh, grow, make friends, explore tough questions, and sometimes even try to change the world.

Children’s and Teen Classes
  • Preschool—Kindergarten: Spirit Play
    • This program, based on the Montessori method, is designed to nurture children’s spiritual growth, creativity and connection to the Unitarian Universalist community through storytelling and interactive play.
  • 1st—4th Grade: UU Identity
    • Children begin to learn and explore our UU faith, history, stories, values, rituals, and principles. Special focus is given to fostering social relationships among children and creating a sense of connection to our congregation and to Unitarian Universalism.
  • 5th Grade —Judeo-Christian Studies
    • This program is designed to provide our children with a connection to our Judeo-Christian heritage. Timeless themes gleaned from both Old and New Testaments are explored though storytelling and interactive games, crafts, and activities.
  • 6th Grade —Maker Space
    • Influenced by the Maker Space movement, 6th graders will explore their UU identity though a combination of technology, art projects, exploration, and reflection.
  • 7th Grade—Neighboring Faiths
    • Designed to introduce participants to a wide variety of faiths in a deep and respectful way, students learn to be “perfect strangers” as they study and visit different faith based communities. They will compare, contrast and develop their own beliefs, preparing them for the Coming of Age program. A highlight of this program are the field trips to various Houses of Worship.
  • 6th-8th Grade: CASE (Community, Action, Service, Education)
    • This innovative and experiential program incorporates community-building, action, service, education, and fun! CASE partners with other church affinity groups and community partners for projects, actions, and events. CASE activities are held on occasional Friday evenings, including overnights, on Saturday afternoons, or during the coffee hours on Sundays. This program is designed for mature 6th graders, 7th graders, and 8th graders.
  • High School —Youth Group
    • High school students meet to explore and share their questions and answers about life, relationships, spirit, and social justice. Activities include campouts, retreats, social outings, guest speakers, worship and working on church and community service projects. Youth Group meets only at the 11:15 service.
  • Our Whole Lives (OWL)
    • Our Whole Lives (or OWL, as it is popularly called) is a life-span sexuality education program developed by the Unitarian Universalist Association and the United Church of Christ. While the program reflects the values of these denominations, it is not a religious program. We offer the first grade, fifth grade, junior high, and high school levels of OWL.
  • Youth and the Arts
    • UUCA offers dynamic programming for youth that not only nurtures a developing faith but provides opportunities for artistic expression through the arts. For information on Children and Youth Choirs and our performing arts program, Chalice Theatre, see our Music and Arts page here.

Youth Contact

Contact our Director of Religious and Lifespan Education LeeAnn Williams for more information on our youth programming.
