Annual Campaign

Giving At UUCA

It’s March 1st, the launch of our Annual Giving Campaign at UUCA! 

This year, we know more than ever that we need each other…and that we need UUCA to continue to thrive as a place of refuge, resistance, and resilience. We also know that many people may be feeling uncertain or already impacted by the current climate in federal work and beyond. As we roll out our annual giving campaign, we do so with care and gratitude for all—and the hope that those of us who are able to give more will be able to do so, to ensure UUCA’s health during this time in our nation’s history

All month, you’ll be hearing from UUCA members about why the congregation matters to them right now. The themes of refuge, resistance, and resilience carry through their reflections—and were lifted up at our Annual Vision of Ministry retreat this past January, as well. As we move into the next year, we want to make sure we are able to be the institution that this community needs. We are grateful for your gift, now more than ever.

“I am Kristina Graff, an 8th grade OWL facilitator and a worship associate. UUCA is extra precious to me right now because it offers a community where I feel held and embraced — with all my imperfections and complexities –and it reminds me that we don’t need to go through hard things alone.”

Take Action & Make Your Pledge!

You can pick between two options to give– you don’t need to do both! Scroll to the bottom of this page to see answers to our frequently asked questions.

Option 1

The easiest way is to make a monthly gift! To set up a monthly recurring donation, click the button below. If you already have set up a recurring donation, would you consider increasing your gift?

Once you set up a monthly recurring donation, you do not need to complete an online pledge form (option 2).

Option 2

Submit this pledge statement, then donate over time, on your schedule.

Once you complete the pledge form, you will have the option to donate using the online system.

Regardless of how you make your contributions, the entire community of UUCA is appreciative and grateful for you.

Explore and Learn More…

“I am Wells McCurdy, the recently named Parliamentarian for the upcoming Annual Meeting (also:  faithful cup washer on Sunday mornings and eager member of the Retreat planning committee).  UUCA is important to me right now because it’s a place of refuge, a source of friendship and community, an anchor of stability in a world that has suddenly become a scary place.  In a nation that is rapidly spinning out of control and standards of decency are degraded by the highest offices in the land, we need UUCA and its people to provide a safe haven for northern Virginia and a guide to better times.”

Some quotes from our leaders

I am Burke Kappler, chair of the UUCA Board, and I believe UUCA is important to the world right now because it needs to hear our message of inclusion and love for one another as a counter to the judgment, exclusion, and discrimination we see every day.

I am Diane Williams, a leader of the nominating committee, and UUCA is important to right now because this is my community of like-hearted people who will help each other navigate these very troubled times.

I am Tyne Hudson, facilitator of the LGBTQ+ Social Group, and UUCA is important to me right now because it is a place where queer people can find safety and support and be surrounded by people who will take action to protect their rights and lives.

I am Val Bryant, leader of the Hopepunk Book Club and a Board member, and UUCA is important to me right now because I draw strength and joy from being in this community; it helps me to feel much more empowered.

I am Denise Kappler, I am the coordinator for UUCA’s volunteering at Arlington Food Assistance Center. UUCA is important to me because I know in tough times that we will support each other and our neighbors. Being part of UUCA helped me find my people, and it’s so important that we continue not just to exist but to thrive – so that we can be here for all of the people who need our love, our caring, and our community.

I am Janice Morris, co-leader of the Climate Action Team and a Covenant Group Facilitator, and UUCA is important to me right now because it offers sanctuary, community, and inspiration to speak up and support those around us.  We put our values into action.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why do we pledge? by Nhaley

If you have any questions, please reach out by phone at 703-892-2565, extension 1209, or email here.
